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How to use a coupon code on KITTEN D'AMOUR?
Select the Kitten D’Amour promo code
Push “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to grab hold of the favored Kitten D’Amour promo code.
Go to kittendamour.com
Follow kittendamour.com to discover beautiful clothing made with top-tier, ethically sourced fabrics.
Choose the needed products
Fill the shopping cart with dresses, tops and corsets, skirts, cardigans & jackets, accessories, and more fashion items.
Shopping cart
Depart for the top-right corner of the page. Click on the shopping cart icon. Press “View Cart” in the cart summary menu.
Walk the grounds of the shopping cart, examining your fashion picks, and proceed to the checkout.
Apply promo code
There is another way to redeem a promo code. If you hoist your sails to head straight for the checkout, look for the “Discount code or gift card” box on the right of the page. Put the code in the box and press “Apply”.
Enjoy shopping
Add vibrant colors shaped and eye-catching, summer-inspired patterns embedded in your feminine clothing.