Halloween Deals & Promo Codes

Halloween Deals & Promo Codes

Expecting Halloween, one of the most exciting, fun, horrible, generous, and unforgettable evenings in the year, you might feel anxious as to how much this year’s holiday will cost you. We, at DiscountReactor.com, were shocked after researching the numbers of how much Americans usually spend for Halloween costumes, decorations, candy and sweets.
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$360 Million Spent on Greeting Cards

Halloween is a secular holiday combining vestiges of traditional harvest festival celebrations with customs more specific to the occasion such as costume wearing, trick-or-treating, pranksterism, and decorative imagery based on the changing of the seasons, death, and the supernatural.

Originally having started as a Catholic vigil observed on the eve of All Saints Day, November 1, in the early Middle Ages, this holiday has greatly transformed especially in the recent 30-40 years, having become a fun day, filled with carved pumpkins,  Jack-o'-lanterns to “frighten evil spirits”, spiderwebs, witches, ghosts, magic, mystical beliefs, good food and lots of candy. Halloween parties are nowadays held everywhere - from business offices, schools, colleges & universities, nightclubs, restaurants and homes to the White House with the President and The First Lady also dressing up and giving away sweets to the invited kids. 

With the $360 million - the total amount expected to be spent on greeting cards only (NRF) - you can easily imagine how popular and loved this holiday is all around the country.

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