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How to use a coupon code on YANY Beauty?
Choose promo code
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to make the preferred Yany Beauty promo code open to view. Usher the uncovered discount code to the clipboard.
Visit the store's website
Go to to unleash your glow with clean-beauty products.
Select an item
Fill the shopping cart with makeup, skincare, beauty tools, fragrances, men's personal care collection, and more products.
View the shopping cart
Click on the shopping bag icon parked at the upper part of the page. Press “View Cart” in the cart summary menu.
Check your data
Inspect the personal care items collected in the shopping cart.
Apply promo code
Click on the “Enter a promo code” entry below the list of the personal care items. Push the saved promo code into the “Enter a promo code” box and hit “Apply”.
Place an order
Edge forward to the checkout – you can deliver the discount code there as well. Look gorgeous and feel good with clean-formula self-care essentials.