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How to use a coupon code on Scan Tool?

  1. Choose an item

    Add ScanTool’s products to the cart.

  2. View the shopping cart

    Locate the “Discount Codes” entry below the list of the cart items.

  3. Apply promo code

    Enter one of ScanTool’s promo codes in a box below the “Discount Codes” entry and press “Apply Coupon”.

    How to use Scan Tool promo code

The best ways to save more with Scan Tool

Just pull over for a second and think how complex you are. You can be a complex personality, that's true. But what we mean by speaking of you and complexity is the body. Our organism is one of the most advanced machines in the world and far beyond. So is our brain. It is as complex as the universe itself. No wonder we make the complex thing. And you drive one of them.

A car is a complex thing. You just one the bonnet and take a look at the insides of the engine compartment. You may know the intricate workings of the heart of your car. And if you do, you are even more amazed by this fruit of technological innovation than those who don't. You also know that for that engine to murmur like brand-new, you have to keep your car's health in check.

If your car or light truck is 1996 or newer, welcome to The company offers sophisticated PC and smartphone-based scan tools.

Discount Policy

OBD scanners are the staple products of The chance is high that you will find the most popular models standing in all their splendor on the homepage. The chance is also high that the trending scanners will be offered at a special price.

Check the area below the navigation menu. This is where big discounts hang out. If you shop the store during Black Friday or similar high-sale seasons, make sure you check the area.

Sign up for the newsletter. Along with gaining access to exclusive deals and drop-ins, you may receive a welcoming promo code.

Arrive at the upper half of this page. Collect all promo codes and other special offers.

Range of Products

ScanTool makes pieces of technological wizardry that can turn your iPhone, tablet, or PC into a powerful versatile diagnostic tool. The OBD scanner is all you need to turn your device into a real-time performance monitor. Buying an OBD scanner is justified by the better safe than sorry rule.

Your car may drive fine and sound healthy. But don't you undergo an overall health check once a year just to be on the safe side? You never know what may hide deep inside your body. The same for your car or light truck. OBD scanner will deliver needful data in real-time.

There is no need to worry about low battery. The scanner dives into sleep mode once you leave your car.

Shop for ODB scanners, software, and other implements. Shop by the following product categories:

  • Scan tools;
  • OBD software;
  • Accessories;
  • Development tools.

Other Benefits offers an industry-leading 3-year warranty on the entire line of scanning tools.

Payment Information

Pay online via PayPal.

Use traditional payment methods:

  • Visa;
  • MasterCard;
  • American Express;
  • Discover.


Free U.S. priority shipping applies to all orders.

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