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How to use a coupon code on ThermoFlask?
Choose promo code
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to claw the preferred ThermoFlask promo code. It’ll claw thee later. Place the code in the clipboard.
Go to the store's website
Visit mythermoflask.com to find your perfect, 24-hour-cold and 12-hour-hot water bottle.
Select an item
Add water bottles, tumbles, accessories, and more drinkware to the shopping cart.
View the shopping cart
Pace the web page, heading in the northeast direction. Paw at the shopping bag icon.
Check your data
View your handpicked drinkware in the cart summary menu.
Apply promo code
Find the “Promo Code” box below the list of the items. Fill it with the saved promo code and press “Apply”.
Proceed to checkout
Set the course to the checkout. You can find a sweet spot there for your promotion to take. Enter the code in the “Discount code” box and hit “Apply”.
Place an order
Set course to a satisfying hydrating experience with sustainable drinkware.