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Select the MANITO promo code
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to pull out the needed MANITO promo code.
Go to manitosilk.com
Follow manitosilk.com to indulge yourself in comfort and luxurious leisure.
Choose the needed products
Fill the shopping cart with men’s and women’s sleepwear, loungewear, underwear, ready-to-wear, kids’ leisure clothing, bedding, and accessories.
Shopping cart
Hit the shopping bag icon wedged between the globe and the heart icons at the upper-right corner of the page. Press “View Cart” in the cart summary menu. Check whether all the chosen leisure essentials are nested in the shopping cart.
Apply promo code
Walk the saved promo code to the “Coupon code” box and hit “Apply coupon”. Move to the checkout – click on the “Click here to enter your code” and paste the code in the drop-down “Coupon code” box, finish off by hitting the “Apply coupon” button.
Enjoy shopping
Enjoy your leisure time to the fullest with awesome leisure clothes.