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How to use a coupon code on Frontera?
Go to frontera.com
After copying a promo code, go to the website frontera.com and sign into your account.
Select a category and subcategory
Select a category for example “Outdoor Furniture”, and select a subcategory for example “Coffee tables”.
Choose an item
Then, select the product you are interested in and click on its image.
Add to shopping cart
Fill the shopping cart with outdoor furniture, rockers, fire & heat fixtures, pergolas & shades, and outdoor furniture accessories.
Go to shopping cart
Click on the shopping cart icon in the top-right corner of the page. Press “View cart” in the lower-left corner of the cart summary menu.
Apply the promo code
Scroll down the shopping cart page until the “Discount codes” entry comes into view. Paste the saved promo code in a blank box below the entry and hit “Apply Coupon”. Enjoy free US shipping on orders over $99. Sign up to get $100 off the first order of over $1000.