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How to use a coupon code on eSalon?
Go to esalon.com
Click on the "Get my own color" field on the main page of the site.
Pass the survey
Answer all the questions for the correct selection of your color.
Choose an item
Place the product in the shopping cart after filling in all the fields.
View the shopping cart
Go to your shopping cart to check the correctness of your order.
Proceed to checkout
Start placing an order by clicking on the special field.
Apply promo code
Find the field where you need to enter the saved code without changes. The total amount will be decreased as soon as you add and apply your code.
The best ways to save more with eSalon
Do you dye your hair all the time? Then you have certainly come across the fact that after dyeing your hair loses its strength and begins to lose its healthy look. This is not always due to low-quality dye, maybe your hair structure simply does not accept individual ingredients. eSalon takes care of these problems by offering you a custom hair coloring kit, designed from the ground up to suit your hair. A hair expert will review your completed profile and tailor a custom formula to color your hair. If the shade doesn't suit you, it will simply be changed to give you the most suitable color. Your hair will be simply magnificent and shiny, the eSalon dye you receive will preserve the structure of the hair and fill it with health. The perfect shade of hair will allow you to always remain beautiful and happy, enjoying the color of your hair!
How to make a purchase with a discount
Find information about special offers that include an eSalon discount on the first kit and other exclusive offers on the homepage of the site. The most interesting offers are provided during periods of ongoing promotions, seasonal, and holiday sales.
Range of products
eSalon empowers every woman to find the perfect hair shade while delivering healthy, natural products that do not harm the hair. The catalog also contains hair care products, toners, and rinses.
Other benefits
The company will provide you with eSalon bonuses in the form of a massive 58% discount on your first purchase and a subsequent 20% discount on all products immediately after ordering a subscription.
Payment information
esalon.com accepts major bank cards, PayPal, GooglePay, and ShopPay.
The online store offers eSalon free shipping for all orders throughout the United States. Delivery time may vary depending on the selected criteria and is calculated at checkout. eSalon returns are coordinated with the support service.