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Make a video from the ground up without touching a camera or using a green screen or studio. With just a piece of writing and an AI-powered tool, you can create captivating visual content at scale, and hassle-free. Use the guide below to start making your videos at a discounted price. Push “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to ferret out the favored Elai.io promo code. Copy the code to the clipboard.
Go to the website
Visit elai.io to produce personalized training videos without voiceovers, actors, and other aspects of traditional, camera-based videomaking.
Choose your subscription
Click on the “Pricing” entry in the navigation menu at the top of the page. Choose your best-fitting subscription plan and press “Get started”.
Create the account
Fill in forms to set up your account and press “Create account”. Enjoy the free trial of your subscription.
Upgrade the subscription
Upgrade your subscription to a paid version.
Apply promo code
At the checkout, put the saved promo code in the “Discount code” box and hit “Apply”. Generate training videos that your audience will love.