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How to use a coupon code on Amazon?
Choose your item
To display all the categories available on the site, find the "All" button, which is located in the upper left part of the site page. Click on it, and you will see all the categories and subcategories of the site, select the desired category and click on it.
Learn the characteristics of a product
When you find the item, click on it. On the next page, view details of your item, and the materials used to make it, you can roll over the image to see the other sides of it.
Add to cart
Pick a size, decide the quantity, and select a shipping address or you can add it to the list for later. Click on "Add to cart".
Write your data for delivery
Fill in your shipping details and delivery options, then click on "Continue".
Apply a coupon code
On the next page, decide your payment method and fill in the required field. After this click on "Gift cards / Promotional code". Type your code into the field and click on "Apply". Click on "Continue" to finish your order.
The best ways to save more with Amazon
Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among companies engaged in selling different goods and services over the Internet. It is also a leader in the field of selling consumer goods through an online services system. The world-famous Amazon online store attracts customers due to its reliable reputation, an abundance of products, as well as numerous promotions and discounts. This is the largest company in the world in terms of selling goods via the Internet. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people from around the world make purchases here; you can order a wide range of goods on amazon.com - from food and cosmetics to household appliances and clothing.
How to make a purchase with a discount
The homepage of amazon.com is filled with the widest variety of discounts and hot offers. Amazon Prime pleases its subscribers with a special event - Amazon Prime Day. On such a day, huge sales are organized for program subscribers, the number and discounts of which significantly exceed even the famous Black Friday sales. Amazon discount is applied for everything from electronics to clothing. Moreover, you can always use Amazon promo code for additional benefits.
Range of products
Amazon sells virtually everything - e-books, music and games, electronics and computers, clothes, shoes and jewelry, consumer electronics, children's toys, food, household goods, sporting goods, and much more.
There is a huge variety of brands and manufacturers. Moreover, Amazon sells quality products under its own brand at competitive prices. And, of course, Amazon is a catch for literature fans. There are additional services for them - both separate and combined with general ones. The store interface is very convenient and is unlikely to cause difficulties for a person who makes online purchases.
Other benefits
The main Amazon special offer is a dedicated Amazon Prime system, which makes it possible to use a free two-day delivery across the United States for an unlimited number of goods for a fixed fee ($99 per year), as well as a discounted one-day delivery, which will cost Prime system members $3.99. Moreover, Prime service users get Amazon bonuses - access to online watching movies and shows, listening to music and audiobooks, reading electronic magazines, and books on any device. Amazon Prime offers Kindle owners to rent books, and also provides a large amount of video content. One of the characteristic features of this online store is that each buyer can leave a review on the purchased product and rate it. This system helps to select high-quality products.
Payment information
You can use gift cards when paying or use the Amazon Pay system. The online store accepts Visa, Amazon Store Card and Credit Builder, MasterCard/EuroCard, American Express, Diner's Club, JCB cards.
Amazon Shipping
All products marked with a blue Prime icon are provided with two-day Amazon free shipping. If you pay another $3.99, the goods will be delivered within one day. The order value is calculated at checkout for other goods. If you decide to return the goods, you must contact support. You may be offered different Amazon returns options depending on the seller.