Affinity Promo Code & Coupons


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How to use a coupon code on Affinity?

  1. Go to

    After copying a promo code, go to the website and sign into your account.

  2. Choose a design software

    Click on the “Menu” at the top-right corner of the page. Push the product image of the design software you find the most suitable for your needs.

  3. Add to cart

    Choose your platform (Mac, Windows, etc.) and press “Buy now”. View your order in the Your Order Summary.

  4. Apply the discount code

    Click on the “Discount code” entry below the software you have had a firm resolve to buy. Place the set-aside promo code in the “Discount code” box and hit “Apply”. Create remarkable graphics, brand designs, logos, and more content with the latest tech software.

    How to use Affinity promo code

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