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How to use a coupon code on Active Chairs?
Go to activechairs.com
After copying a promo code, go to the website activechairs.com and sign into your account.
Select a category and subcategory
Choose from the different categories and subcategories or you can use a search word to find what you need.
Choose an item
Among the products in the category you have chosen, select the one you want and click on its image.
Add to shopping cart
Fill the shopping cart with wobble stools, fidget toys, and more products to create favorable conditions for learning.
Go to shopping cart
Be on your way to the northeast corner of the page. Click on the shopping bag icon. Scan through the cart summary menu and press “View cart”.
Proceed to the checkout
Make sure your dynamic seating products are in the shopping cart and proceed to the checkout.
Apply the discount code
Place the saved promo code in the “Discount code” box and hit “Apply”. Help your little ones to stay focused and engaged with wobble stools.